Imagine that all things are one with you . . .
TRUE SELF - Notes on the essence of being
Rather than from the perspective of a distinct person who experiences all things outside of yourself, imagine that you are the infinite and eternal universe and that all things arise and fall inside of you.
Imagine that all things are one with you.
Imagine that there's no outside of you at all.
Now imagine that this perspective was known far and wide to be true--which, as True Self will reveal, it is.
What would be different about the world?
What would the implications be for the world?
What would the implications be for you?
There is no beginning or end, only emails sharing my thoughts, event updates and more.
I will never understand hate messages that scold me or anyone for not being qualified to have a voice regarding both health freedom and the current health crisis. (And for those unaware, I and many like me have been subject to censure for almost a year.)
First, health freedom is a basic right that everyone owns. Second, no matter the topic, I’ll always support those being gaslighted or abused, and right now this pertains to billions of people. Third, I’ve spent at least half my day every day for the past year poring over viral theory, terrain theory, the lack of scientific evidence for contagion theory, vaccine history, vaccine-injury history, and who it is that funds medical research and the universities where doctors study. I’ve interviewed doctors, researchers, lawyers, lobbyists, ex-Pharma executives, and politicians. I’ve rigorously worked to dissolve fifty-nine years of my own indoctrination about what makes us sick. I’ve not profited from these efforts. I’ve lost business. I’ve received threats. Not to mention that my son is a second-year medical student, so I’m well aware of his take on the Pharma-based biases of his schooling.
All of which leads me to the most important part of this post, the following message to all young people that I wish I received as a kid:
You know as much as anyone. No one is wiser than you. You are as qualified as anyone too. If something matters to you deep down—set your own rules, blaze your own trail, take a stand, speak up, and go for it with all your heart. And as you do, walk right past the naysayers, those who scapegoat and attack. Don’t be intimidated by them. Don’t get sucked into their mud, their torment, their regret. They’re the ones who haven’t explored or taken a stand. They’re the ones who are ashamedly following the herd. At all costs, be true to yourself and explore for yourself. At the end of the day, I can assure you that only this will matter.
Again, regardless of your “qualifications” or lack thereof, don’t let anyone convince you that he or she is wiser, more equipped, or more worthy than you. You are worthy. You are the one who knows. And you have the God-given right to voice your opinion on any issue.
All my love, Garret
I wake up most mornings, make my celery juice, and sit down and write whatever comes to me. Over the past nine months, as those of you who follow me on social media know, I’ve provided a perspective on the current “crisis.”
This morning, frankly, nothing comes. I’m just shot. Yesterday, I an old teammate rallied up action against me, a member of my family created a fake Twitter account through which to condemn me, and a former colleague sent out an email entitled “Garret must have taken one too many hits to the head.”
But most of all, this morning, I mourn. I mourn for all those who have needlessly died or become ill or depressed; the parents who’ve lost children to suicide, the hard-working citizens who are not allowed to work. I mourn for the government officials who are so worried about their own welfare that they’re willing to carry out unjust orders against the very people who pay their salary. I mourn for those who know, deep down, that something about this crisis doesn’t add up but are too frightened to break ranks. I mourn over the fact that the mainstream take on this crisis is wrong. So I mourn for our planet that’s being ignored. It is our decaying and increasingly toxic microbiome that’s giving rise to the increasing rate of illness. Covid, in my well-researched opinion, is not a contagion. Our bodies are shedding internal toxins into our bloodstreams in order to handle the outer toxicity, and this is why many feel sick. I, therefore, also mourn for those about to take a vaccine—and greatly risk their health—for no actual reason.
I guess something did come to me. Thanks for reading, and may God bless us all.
Problems? Do you suffer from them? Seek fixes for them? The world sure is right now.
And a billion-dollar industry—self-help, motivation, coaching, and counseling—even stands primed to help us deal. The scientific community these days too. It claims to know what’s right.
But how are we doing?
With the evolution of these fields and their experts, are we more at peace? More loving? Less discriminatory? Is the environment cleaner? Are we more productive? Any less stressed?
You know the answer. Generation after generation, we’re consumed by the exact same problems. We’ve tried millions of methods. After all this time, is it actually possible that we’re going to discover the method, guru, or tool that will help do the trick?
Highly unlikely.
But what if there is no problem-solving method? What if methods are the reason we keep perpetuating our problems? And our suffering? What if not trying to fix is the ultimate solution?
Highly likely.
Here’s why (and please read slowly):
Problems result from a resistance to what is. No resistance, no problems. No problems, no problems to solve. Consider that problem-solving comes with a fatal baked-in flaw. It requires the labeling of a situation—an attempt to divide from the whole that which can’t be divided—as both “problematic” and “fixable.” And such labeling is the very act of resisting the singular essence of the whole, resisting what is. Seeking fixes is the seed of all problems.
To end our generational “problem cycle,” then, we must do the opposite of what our suffering (not to mention both self-help and science) is asking us to do. We must stop problem-solving. We must stop seeking fixes.
For when seeking fixes comes to an end, suffering dissolves.
And “problems”?
They’re seen as nothing other than current situations to deal with, which are made of the whole.
Now more than ever, community is essential.
The current focus on fixing fear at the expense of freedom of expression can be overwhelming.
The mischaracterization of why members of a family or workplace would exhibit symptoms of the same illness (it has all do to with the resonance of our shared Being and nothing to do with a contagion) can be frustrating.
The fact that mainstream scientists are overlooking the truth that, since an object cannot exist separate from the knower of that object, it’s impossible to rid ourselves of anything (including viruses) can be alarming.
Again, now more than ever, stick with those who’ve been called to not fix fear. Those willing to stand as the infinite and eternal Being we share. Those, like you, who understand that all mischaracterizations, all lies, implode on their own before long.
Hang in and support one another,